Poisons & Toxins

on the intersection of culture with poisons, toxins, venoms, and pharmacology

A Potato Paean

What Thanksgiving Day is complete without potatoes? Boiled, mashed, roasted, and puréed, sweet or savory, rare will be the Thanksgiving feast that lacks one or more of these varieties. Like the turkey, also a New World endemic species, potatoes are certain to have made a vital contribution to the Pilgrims’ diet on their arrival to […]

A Potato Paean Read More »

Getting a leg up on the naming of things.

Official descriptions of species and other taxonomic groups include what’s called an etymology section. That is, an explanation of the name chosen by the author. Originally these names were mostly supposed to be descriptive, like Phyllidia polkadotsa. Sometimes the names refer to a place, like Helobdella nununununojensis (from a Quechua placename Ñuñuñuñuñoj). They can also

Getting a leg up on the naming of things. Read More »